Saturday, November 30, 2013

Japan Society - Mariko Mori

The Japan Society is a beautiful little building, and it was hosting an exhibition from Mariko Mori's latest work.

I'll admit it. A little part of me wishes Wave UFO was there. I'd love to climb inside and see what I can see. Much of the work was a little reminiscent of it, but that's just due to her use of lucite. Rebirth was somewhat how I imagined Wave UFO to be, sort of a dodgy rip off of it maybe.

It was hard to get much out of this visit. The Japan Society is about deepening the understanding between Japan and the USA, so it's fitting a Japanese artist living in New York is shown.

I admired the aesthetics of the exhibition, but for me I found little deeper meaning. Either Mori put everything on show in a simple way, or perhaps, she's gone far deeper than I can follow. One of the interesting things I have found over recent visits is the fashion major girls are quickly picking up the ability to analyse art. They had some great insights in the Christopher Wool exhibition, and I believe one of them hit the nail on the head in the Mori exhibition. It's a spiritual thing, she's off on her journey and these works are more a personal thing rather than something made for the public. We'd need to be along on her ride to really understand.

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